I’ve lived for nearly 10 years of my life in Shanghai and in this crazy city the only constant is change. No city more than Shanghai personifies China’s ability to quickly change. One day a run-down street may be converted into a super popular bar street for expats and the next year, it’s completely closed down by the local authorities, only to begin slowly crawling its way back to its former glory the next year. And this is the beauty of Shanghai. Its ability to change is its identity. Most of what you see here on this page will likely be outdated by the time you’re reading, but who knows, perhaps in a few years again after that becomes relevant yet again.
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View of the city from the top @ Shanghai Tower
View of the skyline @ The Bund
Join the tourists @ Xintiandi
Cold noodles smothered in sesame sauce @ Wei Xiang Ni
Spicy spare ribs @ Di Shui Dong
Fried Soup Dumplings “Xian Jian” @ Yang’s Dumplings